Hi I'm Bagel, I'm older than you'd think, can do less math than you'd expect, and yes, I do happen to have a monster hunter problem. No, I will not be seeking help. I'm an EX retired magical girl that came out of retirement cause rent is too damn high!

Meet my AMAZING mod team!

Deddy Fresh!

ModSquad and streamer!


ModSquad and wholesome streamer!


ModSquad and proprieter of Nebula Zero, my sister server!


ModSquad and Dragon Vtuber!


ModSquad and clever streamer!


ModSquad and Koality streamer!

My Vtuber Momma!

Meet MeridianTears, also known as Brianna! She made my model and rigged it!! She's super sweet and talented, if you want to know any more about her please check her out by either clicking her photo or the button below!

Copyright © 2021-2024 BagelGremlin - All rights reserved.

Basic Commands

  • !lurk

  • !roll - roll between 1-20. 1s get timed out, 20s get a choice between trains or a shout out for a streamer of their choice

  • !mute - for when I'm muted

  • !rules - posts my rules. Has a long cooldown. Rules are lengthy.

  • !lobby - for when I'm playing with viewers

  • !raid - my standard raid messages

  • !feedback - Mod survey

  • !go2jail - put me in or remove me from the crimebox for free (perk of t3 sub and vip)

  • !hd50k - change to my ultra high def, most lifelike model

  • !normie - change back to my normal model

  • !toy - turns me into my toy model

  • !tip - tipping info

  • !yawn - yawn counter (reset every stream)

  • !rerollVillager - reroll what villager shows up in chat for you

  • !positivt - make bagel happy and give her an excuse to gush about her friends

VIP Only Commands

  • !soup

  • !darules - a more fun version of !rules

  • !chooseVillager <name> - subs, vips, and mods can specifically pick which villager that shows up in chat for them!

Sub Only Commands

!chooseVillager (name) - subs, vips, and mods can specifically pick which villager that shows up in chat for them!

Chat Rules

1) Don't be an ass. Respect yourself, respect your fellow chatters, respect the stream, and respect those on stream. Playful banter is ok, but when someone asks you to stop, please listen.
2) Respect when the "no back seating" and/or "No Spoilers" tag is up. When in doubt, ask before saying anything that might be backseaty/spoilery
3)Ask before links are posted, except clips of my channel
4)IRL bigotry gets yeeted. Hate speech gets yeeted.5) 18+ please. I swear a lot. I am NOT a role model. The thought of kids watching me creeps me out. This does not mean everything is adult content- I just do not want children in my spaces. Not counting swearing, I try to keep things and chat pg 13, unless otherwise stated.6) Please ask before trauma dumping. I know we all need to vent, but sometimes I'm not down for that on stream. As always, dial 988 if you're in the US and are in crisis.7) Advertising without permission is prohibited.8)Lurkers are ALWAYS welcome. Please don't call out anyone lurking, leave them to lurk in peace. Being thanked for the lurk upon using !lurk is the extent of interaction lurkers can expect until lurking is ended.9) Please do not discuss any details of my off stream life or share any of my personal/off stream information in chat, or in my discord, without explicit permission. Violating this will result in an unappealable permaban.10) Please do not flirt with the streamer without explicate consent. This makes everyone uncomfortable.

Copyright © 2021-2024 BagelGremlin - All rights reserved.

Bagel's Vtuber Lore

  • Birthday - June 28th

  • Birth Sign - Cancer

  • Likes - Trains, Glitter, Helping others

  • Dislikes - Bitter, Being Cold, People being unkind to her friends

  • Known Aliases - Bagel, Grem, Celeste

  • Name Outside of the Magical Girl Title - Celeste Belmont

  • Prior Hyperfixations - Homestuck, My Little Pony, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, World of Warcraft, Kingdoms of Amalur, Monster Hunter

  • Hobbies - Art, Gaming, Streaming, Learning Languages, Studying Psychology, Writing

  • IQ - Last measured at 122

  • Height - 5 foot 1 inch (155 CM)

  • Age - used AiM and Myspace in its heyday.

  • Tattoo Count - 5

  • Pets - 3; Bitty (Chihuahua), Hippie (Bang Energy Drink Mutt), and Cosmosis (Astolfos, the only one known of)


SeafoamRed Curry with DuckOctopusIndustrial Metal
LavenderSalmon SashimiElephantEDM
TealSpicy SalsaHorse (Clydesdale)Future Bass

Copyright © 2021-2024 BagelGremlin - All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2021-2024 BagelGremlin - All rights reserved.

Long ago, there was a kid. Forced to face the darkness of the world, and of other humans, alone, she almost fell to it. She had ruminated over why she had to face it, over why she was alone and isolated from her peers, over whether or not she deserved it to the point where despair had even lost its edge. Where nothing mattered anymore.And then, a thought hit her.If everything didn't matter- if her own existence were to be a matter of convivence- why not do what she could to help ease the darkness in the world, so others wouldn't have to face it? Why not at least go down blazing a path through it, leaving it so bright that others lost in the swaths of darkness could find their way to it? Why let her existence come and go without meaning, when she could at least try to make a change? Sure, nobody had been there do do that for her intentionally- but through acts and creations made for entirely different reasons, this thought was able to be formed by her. Who's to say that by doing even something little, she couldn't help spread that thought? After all, she had watched ants form mountains, bit by bit, and watched her peers build and destroy others, bit by bit. If even a little could be done by one, much greater things could be done in the long term. So, why not even attempt to give the gifts she had received forward?From that moment on, she railed against the darkness. Alone as ever, and just a child, she did everything she could. Her pain and rage from facing the darkness channeled anew into every act she could think of to fight it back. She'd bite, and bite, and bite- until one day, she bit off more than she could chew.On that day, she would have lost her life. On that day, she met Cosmosis. The small, fluffy, cosmically originating entity appeared to her, and in stopped time, offered her a deal. To keep railing against the darkness, to fight bigger and badder enemies no matter how terrifying or strong they were, to reclaim the misused stardust empowering evil, to bring about a new age of happiness and comfort to all. In exchange, the powers at Cosmosis's command would be hers.That's what she had been doing for then years prior, so the answer was immediately yes- provided, she would also be given money from time to time to protect her future. From then on, she became a Magical Girl, adorned in reds and golds, fighting evil wherever it dared to rear it's head.
In this new career, she slowly made friends as more Magical Girls came to join war. She learned what it was like to not be isolated, she learned the joys of friendship, and came to understand what it meant, truly, to be unconditionally loved and supported.
As the fights continued, the enemies grew stronger, crueler, and more cunning- until one day, a threshold was crossed. The enemy of that "season", as the girls had come to call the ever revolving door of foes, had managed to destroy one of the team. It had slipped past the red one, evaded almost every attack- and slayed the leader of the group. The ranged one, specializing in cosmic healing, adorned in pinks and silvers. The sweetest one in the team- and, to this particular red Magical Girl, the closest friend imaginable.And this particular red Magical Girl didn't even notice the extent of the damage until the enemy had been forced to retreat. Until that moment, even blows that should have been fatal would be able to be endured, and fade away during the transformation out of their Starlit Armor. But this one, it persisted. No amount of stardust could mend it. And this particular red Magical Girl placed all the blame on herself for it. If she had been faster, if she had been stronger, if she had been more aware...That encounter and loss steeled her. She had begun to come out of her shell with the introduction to her friends- and all of that work was undone in that instant, withdrawing her further into herself than she had ever been.She grew outwardly cold to her team, only caring about tactics and finding ways to keep every one of them safe. The frustration at fate within her could not be contained- and would leak out at anything and anyone around her. In battle, she grew more reckless and brutal- she resolved to never, ever, lose a friend like that again, by any means necessary.And yet, she did. Her enemies were always stronger than her alone. They were always smarter than her. They were always at least five steps ahead of her. And every. single. last. one. of her team was cut down before her. She learned how truly agonizing the loneliness she had endured before was.Cosmosis did his best to replace them, but all that she saw before her were future graves- more faces to put onto her memorial shrine tucked away in her closet. She refused to allow herself to get close to them- resolving to train them as best as she could to face the pure, unfiltered, uninhibited darkness of the world before them. And that she did. These new girls did not like her, but took to the training well- or, well enough by the red one's standards. And as the time came, she returned the Emblem of Starlight to Cosmosis, and retired. She surrendered her powers, unable to bare the pain of loss anymore, and went back to her old, mundane ways.Through the following years and odd jobs, she worked hard at healing herself. At undoing the damage wrought by her past. She was tired, she was jaded, but the refused to give up on her continued reason to exist. She cut and dyed and grew out and dyed again her hair, she changed every bit of her that she could in the attempt to rediscover herself, to little avail. The painful memories always hung overhead, as constant a presence as the clouds in the pacific northwest sky. And so, in one last act of desperation, she moved. As far away as possible, to the other side of the continent.It was there, over a decade after the first loss, that she was able to begin to find herself. It was there, over half a decade after retiring, that Cosmosis appeared to her once more. Truely, the entity never left her- it had remained invisible, watching her and making subtle moves to try to help her heal- and, occasionally, eating her snacks or using her streaming services. This time, he offered a new arrangement- the powers at his disposal, in exchange for her healing and growth as a person. Fighting evil could come later, in its eyes- he had grown fond of this Magical Girl in the short time he spent with her, and wanted to see where she could go. And, of course, the answer was an almost immediate Yes- she had never been one to turn down a lucrative offer.And thus, Bagel returned to being a Magical Girl. Her colors were tempered by her prior service and time spent recovering, cooling their fiery hues to purples and teals, but her golden intentions never tarnished- so, neither did the gold in her Starlit Armor.She now heals and trains herself with videogames and by making art- though, the occasional battle with evil will occur from time to time, as she feels ready. Though she's not gained a new group of Magical Girls to fight beside, she has managed to gain friends- genuine, wonderful, and with more love than she knows how to accept. And she hopes, that maybe, she might be able to share that with anyone else who needs it.

Copyright © 2021-2024 BagelGremlin - All rights reserved.


Live2d model and rigging: @meridiantears
Ultra hi definition model: @GummyQuinn
Toy Model: @rheyaheart
Cosmosis plush model: @cypurrpunk
Emotes: @NanacatTwitch, @ClassicCarnage, @demialien, and myself
Lethal Company bagel gif: @ffshade
Panels: @NanacatTwitch
Cosmosis: @Nanacat
PNGtuber: me
Overlay/starting soon/brb/ending screens: MadeByMUUT on etsy (just chatting and backup background) and obellie on fiverr
Starting soon/brb/ending scene song: @alzhastudio on fiverr
Just chatting song and raid chime: Celestial Sparkle by @maruyamayuki
3d model: @notyourneesan
VRChat Gremlin Model: @succulent_goulash
Cheese-It Throwable: ko-fi.com/ninjaeverywhere

Copyright © 2021-2024 BagelGremlin - All rights reserved.